First there's my sweet and sexy Mr. Man. We took advantage of a day off together and had brunch at one of our favorite places, came home, pulled into the garage and the next thing I know, Mr. Man has my pants down and I'm bent over the back of his car being fucked. Hard. With the garage door wide open. There was even hair pulling. It had been a while since we had what I call "adventurous sex". Back in the day we used to fuck all over the place, in parks, on top of cars, in the theater building at college, oral sex while driving down the road, etc etc. So the open garage session was unexpected, spontaneous, and hot as hell. One of my favorite positions is the man behind me, grabbing my hips and breasts, and pulling me onto his cock fast and hard. Its rhythmic and powerful and Mr. Man is an expert at it. Gawd I'm lucky.

C-Man also rocked my world this week. Somehow, he worked his magic on me and in one phone call gave me not one, not two, but three crazy hard orgasms. I think I've mentioned that phone sex hasn't been my thing in the past, a few times with Jr. High Douche and that's really about the extent of it. Until C-Man got me all hot and bothered with his "fast and northerny" voice in my ear. He says just the right things to me in just the right way. He doms me over the phone as much as that is possible to do and I love it. We had been talking dirty to each other throughout the day and I was needing a release. I was home alone that evening and decided to get naked and get out my favorite vibe. I was dripping and ready to cum before the phone call so the first orgasm was quick and strong and furious. The second one came almost immediately after the first. The third took longer but C-Man is a persistant guy and damn good at making his sexy words translate into climaxes for me, so number three was well worth the extra time. I'm not as good at dirty talk as he is but he managed to shoot cum into his hair anyway. Heehee.
So big thank yous to the men in my life for helping me to take a break from my overactive mind and just lose myself in the pleasure of my own body. Best.Therapy.Ever.
Two big *thumbs up* for Mr. Man and his surprise attack ! Those are always the hottest.. it's just so ... wanton and sexy!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, orgasms are the best, esp for stress relief and getting rid of cramps and headaches. (we should have prescriptions on hand!! hehe)
ReplyDeleteGod's way for relieving stress, some good hair pulling,surpise, bent over, hip thursting sex. Lord knows I could have used some of that this past week for myself.
ReplyDeleteRelease is nice...your tits are great. Love the big nips.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Sounds like an great time on both fronts. LOL One of the things I enjoy so much about this crazy pursuit is that it is not an "instead of" having great sex with your spouse, it's "in addition to".
ReplyDeleteOh, and I noted the reference to the theater building. Do you have a theater background?
public sex is dangerous and because it is, so fucking hot...we did some photos in public yesterday...secluded but we could have been caught and that is what is fun
ReplyDeleteVery hot! Never tire of hearing about a woman's orgasms. I like the phone ones you described since they are not usually your thing, it's a huge turn on to know that the pleasure is going in both directions during a phone sex session, hot, hot, hot!
ReplyDeleteLove love love a good release like that! And by phone sex no less....whew. Lucky girl ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat post--and great pics. Your tits look amazing.