Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lost it for now

My blogging mojo I mean. Not sure if I've lost interest or what the deal is. I'm apathetic or something. But I've said that before and am still hanging around. Anyway, all is well, just not feeling the desire lately.

It occurred to me as well that the more bloggers I meet in real life, the less apt I am to share raw feelings here. The need to censor comes into play as the anonymity dissipates.

And now I'm just being dramatic I suppose.

Bedtime for me.



  1. sounds like your blog has become like facebook for you.... anonymity is key

  2. I'm sorry you're in a slump because we love to hear your thoughts and feelings. You bring a smile to us. I know what you mean about wanting to censor. I'm fighting to just let the both of us(Walk and myself) be ourselves and be able to put out there our true feelings. The good, bad and in between. Easier said than done sometimes, I know.
    Hugs to you.

  3. Whether anonymity is directly linked to your blogging slump depends on a lot of factors, like what you're getting out of blogging. But from what you've shared with us, it sounds to me like there are plenty of other factors that could very well explain it.

    There are the sexual experiences you've had in the last year or two, which are significant. There is the duality between Bella and the real person, which you've touched on here. Maybe the mom factor comes into play in this duality too. And you pointed out the other week how your trip to Boston was a trigger into more self-discovery.

    You're growing as a person and things evolve and the relative importance of your outlets varies accordingly.

    That said, I do like that you hang around, but pressure and expectations are not sexy, so let me just say that I loved reading everything you've shared with us so far, and I'm sure I will love reading whatever you decide to share in the future.

  4. You blog for pleasure; when you feel like a break, enjoy it. You don't have a service-level agreement with your readers. No one will sue you for exceeding the stated mean time to recovery, unless you've signed a contract with a dom who gets an erotic thrill from IT-speak - in which case I hope you enjoy the punishment and will share the details with us when you feel like it:)
