Tuesday, December 17, 2013

a coffee date and my brain

Not much to report in the sexy realm these days...that I can write about anyway. I am meeting "Dave", a new guy for coffee tomorrow so that will be fun. Or something. I'm not sure he's my type but I'm bored and have some free time so whatever.

I've found myself confiding in strangers a lot lately, which is interesting to me because I always try to analyze myself and try to figure out why I do the things I do or feel the way I feel. Why is it easier and many times less frightening to tell your secrets to someone you don't even know than it is to share them with your closest friends? Maybe because you are less likely to give two shits about what a stranger may think of you after knowing the secrets? Hmmmmm.

The human brain is a many splendored thing...actually no, I think that was love or something.

I'll let you know how my coffee date goes tomorrow.



  1. Don't like coffee? Me neither. Go with large hot chocolate with whipped cream, low-fat milk, two shots of hazelnut serverd at 140f. Heaven on hearth. Add one of the little cookies too, just for me. If the guy turns out to be horrible, at least the treat will be good.

    1. That does sound yummy! We ended up having water and he was not horrible. :)

  2. Waiting here with eager anticipation Bella. Sometimes if you're a bit ambivalent about the meeting, it can turn out to be real positive. This might be just one of those occasions :-D

    1. It was one of those occasions! Smart lady, you! :)

  3. I think you are absolutely correct about confiding with strangers. You dont have to worry about what they think of you, so its easier to open up. Its also part of the reason that I blog, to get things off my chest that I would not tell my friends.

    I hope your date went well.. you will definitely have to write about it.
