Saturday, May 30, 2015

adventures in online shenanigans

This week's *adventures on okcupid...persistent men.
  • If I didn't respond to your first two messeages, I'm probably not going to respond to your next ten. 
  • Thank you for your phone number (that I didn't ask for) but I'll not be using it.
  • If you insist on calling me "babe" or "beautiful" or "honey" or "darling" or any other patronizing endearment, I will cut you. At least mentally.
  • Don't repeatedly bug me about meeting up with you.
  • I do not want your unsolicited cock photo.
  • Message of the day from someone who'd already messaged me and I hadn't responded..."Hey babe, I'm waiting for your text (gives me his number again). I want the same thing you do. Looking forward to hearing from you." No, you are not looking for the same thing I am. Read the profile again. Or actually, don't. Just go away.
Maybe this makes me sound like a bitchy okc user, but I think not for the most part. Because there are a handful of people who send the right mix of polite but not boring, funny but not ridiculous, interesting but not too bizarre messages and we engage in enjoyable adult conversation just fine.

*I may make this a regular series. Ha.

In other news...
  • Mr. Man had a date tonight that didn't work out. I was asleep when he got home so I didn't get details yet but it was one of those not-really-compatible, not his/her type kind of things. A bummer but it happens.
  • Considering a profile on
  • I am bored

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