Friday, December 23, 2011

Joyeuses fêtes!

That is how you say "happy holidays" in French, right? Whatever it means, everything just sounds better in French.

I'd like to take some new photos. Maybe that will be a project for one of the days I'm off next week. But tonight I like this one from several months ago. I feel very Carmen Sandiego in this coat.

It's holiday madness around here as I'm sure it is for many of you. And we only have one child and don't have that many/aren't all that close to our families so I can't imagine the craziness that is happening in larger, more closely-knit households. But despite the busyness, its a fun time and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I wish all of you a lovely holiday and hope that you ring in the new year with great sexiness and style.



  1. Bien sûr, tu as tout à fait raison Bella! Et merci pour la si jolie photo de ton sein. Tu as le don de savoir comment nous gâter. ;)

  2. Oh my. I just swooned. And that was BEFORE I plugged your comment into Google Translate! ;)

  3. Merry Christmas Bella! May the season be joyous and the love be bountiful.

  4. Joyeuses Fêtes à toi et ta famille. :)

  5. Oh my bella so sexy, can I have you as a xmass gift :)
