Tuesday, April 1, 2014

one of those posts where I can't think of a title

Sometimes beautiful things get lost in the complications and messiness of life, sex, and relationships.

I respect that people handle things in different ways based on personality, experience, and all manner of other circumstances. That does not mean that I always get it. I don't understand how you can simply throw away an awesome friendship. I get the reasoning based on a messy past but I disagree with the solution of "sorry, best wishes". In my opinion, both parties are missing out on the awesome that is the other person. An awesome they both know very well exists. Its a total unnecessary shortchanging. But whaddaya gonna do? Inconsistency has always been the name of the game in this situation and I should not have been surprised. Best wishes indeed.

I missed out on an opportunity to see Aaron this week due to a work obligation. But plans are to make up for that very soon I hope. Dave asked to see me the other day but I wasn't in the mood. I am now in the mood however. I'm also itching to see Cash again for some reason. We had very tentative plans a couple of weeks ago and those fell through. But damn. I'm wildly physically attracted to him and as I've learned, attraction is a mysterious thing. The whos and whys are sometimes unexplainable. Attraction just IS.

I'm having lunch tomorrow with my very sweet and very sexy friend and first play partner ever. I respect boundaries but goddamn I'd like to play with him again. I'll settle for his friendship though and that's really not settling at all because his friendship is more valuable to me than anything else. He's good people.

Kiss me here.

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